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CORSIA Trainings for NABs and VBs


CORSIA Training for National Accreditation Bodies and Verification Bodies: Accreditation and Verification Process, Bangkok, Thailand 

30 September - 11 October 2019​
















Representatives from the ASEAN National Accreditation Bodies (NABs) and possible candidate Verification Bodies (VBs) from the ASEAN Member States participated in the first CORSIA Training organised under the new project, EU-South East Asia Cooperation on Mitigating Climate Change impact from Civil Aviation (EU-SEA CCCA CORSIA), funded by the European Union and implemented by EASA.


The training took place in Bangkok, Thailand from the 30thof September until the 11thof Octoberand aimed to provide the participants with the required knowledge to implement CORSIA mechanism as per their specific role and function mentioned in ICAO’s SARPs Annex 16, Volume 4. 

Considering the participants were not familiar with civil aviation and ICAO’s standards and procedures, the first week’s focus was on spreading knowledge on the CORSIA mechanism, emissions monitoring plan and emissions report including rudiments of data flow processing from a regional aeroplane operator. 

The workshop was part of the Inception phase of the project. The actions also provided the team with intelligence on the CORSIA implementation process in the region that helped tailor the next tasks to the 4 level of readiness on the ASEAN NABs and their candidate VBs:

·      One fully operational NAB under CORSIA with two VBs already accredited to work with CORSIA; 

·      NABs with the GHG SCHEME in place, with a CORSIA programme but without VBs 

·      NABs wishing to be supported in having the  GHG scheme in place,  to be then able to start designing a CORSIA programme

·      NABs “in the process of becoming NABs

The training helped the participants fill in knowledge gaps on ICAO CORSIA reference material, and to gain some insight on the real scenarios they will face as part of the accreditation and verification. 

At the end of these 2 weeks, both NABs and candidate VBs from the region achieved a better understanding of CORSIA technical requirements, ISO standards as well as the fundamentals on civil aviation required to carry out their function under SARPs Annex 16, Volume 4. Moreover, the EU-SEA CCCA CORSIA Project facilitated the sharing of experiences among the most mature ASEAN NABs with those in the process of becoming operational. For most of the NABs, the training also represented the first step in this CORSIA Accreditation process, as well as an additional link with the activities already planned by their Civil Aviation State Authority. 

This project is implemented by The European Union Aviation Safety Agency - EASA

This project is funded by the European Union

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